How To Grow Your Service Firm: The Final Pointers (Part 6 of 6)

Robert Craven
Managing Director | The Director's Centre
13th June 2014

How To Grow Your Service Firm (part six)

In the first four parts of this series, we looked at why and how The Expert! model is so important for the success of service firms and how to apply it. Like part five, this one is more about the attitude and approach you need to have to grow a successful service firm.

 For this final part, I would like to bring together some random and apparently disconnected ideas and principles which actually create a body of thought.


Remember the Customer/Client Fundamentals

  • “Don’t waste my time”
  • “Understand who I am - the client (who pays your bills and your wages!)” 
  • “Make it easy for me to buy and to get service”
  • “Make sure your service delights me or at least ‘does what it says on the tin’!”
  • “Customise your product service to my specific needs”

Say No To Average

Just because your competitors are content to be mediocre doesn’t mean you have to be.

Stop Being So Boring

Following the competition is dumb. ‘Safe’ is actually a very dangerous place to be. At least you get noticed if you don’t play the safe game.

Eat That Frog

Do the big/tough stuff you’ve been avoiding and do it first. Don’t delay. Don’t procrastinate. Like eating a frog, it doesn’t get any easier the more you faff about. Just get on and do it. Then it’s behind you and you can get on with the more interesting things.

Systems: Before/After The Sale

Sort out the systems and processes; despite how you might feel about them, they will become the backbone of your growth.

You Are Your Diary

Your meetings, appointments and calls will determine your success. Check that you are filling your diary with high quality, value-adding activities.

Productising Hot Air

What you sell is difficult for people to grasp. A service isn’t storable, is perishable, and only exists at the moment of delivery. Look for ways to make it more of a product: a five-step process, or a title that explains what it does in terms of outputs. Most customers like it when you make your service more tangible; it means they get a better sense of what they are buying.

Free Is Free; Expensive Is The New Free

Be careful what you give away. It costs you. You get known for what you do. Think about how you can sell premium-priced versions of your service. It can be highly profitable.

Fish Where The Fish Are

If your pond appears to be empty then either you are using the wrong bait (= marketing) or there are no fish in the pond. Move to where the fish are.

Can’t Sell, Won’t Sell

Get out of the “I can’t sell” mentality. You are your best ambassador. If you can’t sell your service then who can? Go on some courses. Now.

DIY – Can You Do This On Your Own?

Books and magazines are great but getting some professional support help and advice is so much better. If you honestly believe that you can pick up more from a free Google search or a £10 book than from an experienced ‘been-there-done-it’ business adviser then please think again.

Too Much In Love With Your Own Product?


Stop being love your product and see it through your client’s eyes. What do they want and why and when and how?

Stop P*****g Around

It is your business so get on and run it. Stop playing at it. Make the tough decisions and take massive action. When? Now!!


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