Practical ATA Carnets procedures

19th September 2024

Practical ATA Carnets procedures

19th September 2024
United Kingdom
Starts at 9:30am
Ends at 1:30pm

Whether you are new to ATA Carnets and want to understand what they are and how they work, or you already utilise them for your temporary exports and want to make sure you are using them correctly and compliantly, this course will be useful for you. Delivered by Business West’s International Trade Compliance Manager, Hilary Rossborough, this half-day training session will focus on and provide clear guidance on the following topics:

• What is the ATA Carnet Scheme and how does it work

• What type of goods are covered by a Carnet and when you can use one

• What is the Carnet security and why is it required

• How to apply for a Carnet (including detailed guidance on the creation of your general list)

• Practical Carnet procedures: how to use it page-by-page, where to get it processed at customs, additional considerations e.g. export declarations, GVMS/GMRs, licenses and port requirements

• What to do during different scenarios; goods or Carnet are/is lost, Carnet extension (replacement), adding destinations to your itinerary, Carnet goods are sold

• How to avoid Carnet fines and customs penalties

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