Business West, as the Employer Representative Body delivering the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) in the Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire and West of England regions, enclose our summarised prioritised findings of our work in relation to the following sectors so far from 2022-2024:
Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
Agriculture, Agri-Tech and Land Management
Automotive, Transport and Logistics
Creative Industries
Digital Industries
Health, Social Care and Life Sciences
Below are summaries of the outputs of the LSIPs so far, and business engagement, co design and validation work continues apace. The top three boxes show our most recent Stage Two Findings Update from 2024 and further down shows our priority findings from 2022-2023. We also release a formal 20-page progress update report, published at the end of June each year will form a more complete summary of our progress in the LSIP, so we look forward to being able to share this then.
Local Skills Improvement Plan Updated Findings Response
We welcome your feedback on these findings. Please complete the form below, highlighting which needs or priorities your comments correspond to.
Gloucestershire LSIP Priority Findings Stage Two Update April 2024
Please click on each of the links below to find that sector's priority findings.
Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (Gloucestershire)
Agriculture, Agritech and Land Management (Gloucestershire)
Construction and the Built Environment (Gloucestershire)
Digital Industries (Gloucestershire)Swindon and Wiltshire LSIP Priority Findings Stage Two Update April 2024
Please click on each of the links below to find that sector's priority findings.
Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (Swindon and Wiltshire)
Agriculture, Agritech and Land Management (Swindon and Wiltshire)
Automotive (Swindon and Wiltshire)
Construction and the Built Environment (Swindon and Wiltshire)
Health and Social Care and Life Sciences (Swindon and Wiltshire)
West of England LSIP Priority Findings Stage Two Update April 2024
Please click on each of the links below to find that sector's priority findings.
Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (West of England)
Construction (West of England)
Creative (West of England)
Health and Social Care (West of England)Gloucestershire LSIP Priority Findings 2022-2023
Please click on each of the links below to find that sector's priority findings.
Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (Gloucestershire)
Agriculture, Agri-Tech and Land Management (Gloucestershire)
Construction (Gloucestershire)
Digital Industries (Gloucestershire)
Swindon and Wiltshire LSIP Priority Findings 2022-2023
Please click on each of the links below to find that sector's priority findings.
Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (Swindon and Wiltshire)
Agriculture, Agri-Tech and Land Management (Swindon and Wiltshire)
Automotive (Swindon and Wiltshire)
Construction (Swindon and Wiltshire)
Health, Social Care and Life Sciences (Swindon and Wiltshire)
West of England LSIP Priority Findings 2022-2023
Please click on each of the links below to find that sector's priority findings.
Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (West of England)
Construction (West of England)
Creative Industries (West of England)
Health and Social Care (West of England)
LSIP Preliminary Findings Amendment Log
Business West strongly believes the success of the LSIPs depends on collaboration and communication. As such we are open to, and positively value, discussing the findings and the wider report contents and suggestions. We are amending, clarifying and correcting our content as we receive input from and have discussions with our key partners and stakeholders and updating the live documents on our Priority Findings Portal.
Amendment Log Reporting
This document is where we are logging all records of our amendments with date and time stamps for transparency.
Amendment Log Details of Clarifications and Corrections
This document lists full details of the amendments, clarifications and corrections we have made.
Amendment log last update: 12th April 2023