Biggest Cybersecurity Risk to Businesses: Human Error

Simone Webber
Marketing Manager
13th October 2020

Your business probably has certain common-sense measures in place to protect against cybersecurity risks, such as anti-virus software and firewalls. But your biggest vulnerability is internal: your people.

Studies have shown that human error is the biggest security weakness. While we may think the problem lies with cybercriminals infiltrating our networks and systems, the fact is that businesses are more likely to be breached by their employees – more often than not without even knowing it.

Research suggests that you are more likely to experience a security breach because a team member has lost, stolen or been tricked into giving out sensitive information than by a cyber-criminal breaking in.

Don’t underestimate the importance of internal measures when it comes to protecting your business. Some, but not all of the measures you could implement are;

  • Educate your team: Increasing awareness among your employees and educating them about cybersecurity best practice is the best place to start. But you need to go beyond training measures, to ensure that good cyber habits are built into your organisational culture. That means once-off training isn’t enough – you need to train, retrain and then do it again!
  • Test your resilience: There’s a common misconception that phishing tests are easy to spot – emails from Nigerian princes or claims that you’ve won the lotto, riddled with spelling mistakes. But there are very smart cybercriminals around and some sophisticated phishing going on. Running phishing tests can help to identify weaknesses in your team and show you exactly what gaps you need to plug.
  • Get expert help: Just as it takes specialist knowledge and real-world experience to perform medical surgeries, so it takes subject matter expertise to stay on top of cybercrime trends and developments. You need an expert in your corner to help you keep your business in good health and safe from compromise. Partner with a reputable IT company that offers reliable, up-to-date cybersecurity services. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Contact us for best-in-class cybersecurity solutions, from vulnerability testing and baseline audits through to 24/7 monitoring and ongoing employee training.

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