Online Seller UK Monthly Webinar Series from Feb 2019

Prabhat Shah
Trainer | Online Seller UK
18th December 2018

Share your knowledge and expertise with other sellers and businesses in our new webinar series, starting February 2019!

If you consider yourself an expert in all things e-commerce, covering topics like Amazon, eBay and Google Shopping, we’d love to hear from you. Starting 6th February 2019, the webinars will happen monthly between 14:00pm to 14:30pm (London time). The webinars will be 20 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A.


The aim of this webinar series will be to:

1/ Engage with the Online Seller Community,
2/ Share our knowledge with sellers and businesses, and
3/ Raise awareness of your expertise.

Do you want to join the conversation?

Sign up here