How your business can get involved the Refill campaign to reduce single use plastic

16th June 2022

It’s World Refill Day, today 16th June 2022!

Refill is an award-winning City to Sea campaign aiming to help people live with less waste. It connects people to places they can eat, drink and shop without the unnecessary packaging.  From a coffee on your commute, to drinking water on the go, or even shopping with less plastic, Refill puts the power to go packaging free at your fingertips.

The campaign is calling on businesses, brands, and governments to join the refill and reuse revolution and help make single-use plastic a thing of the past.

By choosing to reuse, we’re saving millions of pieces of plastic and sending a message to the rest of the world that there are solutions to plastic pollution and the climate crisis.

The overproduction and consumption of single-use plastic is creating an environmental and humanitarian crisis. Plastic is polluting our planet, contributing to the climate crisis, and even making its way into our bodies through the air we breathe and the food we eat.

Exclusive new polling shows 95% of people surveyed said they were concerned about plastic pollution, while 90% are taking steps to reduce their single use plastic, with 41% saying they would like to do more.

However, the lack of availability of reuse and refill options is a significant barrier, and 93% said they would like to see more refill and reuse options available.

Reusable packaging models enables businesses and brands to;

•build customer loyalty

•optimise business operations

•allow for product customisation

•cut costs

•demonstrate their commitment to sustainability 

How can your business join the campaign?

Download the app

You can download the Refill app to find places to shop, eat a drink near you, without the pointless plastic. You can recommend lunch spots to your colleagues and visit them as a team to encourage everyone to be more mindful of their single use plastic. 

Join or start a refill scheme

The campaign has over 400 locally-led Refill schemes around the world. You can find your nearest scheme or start your own as a company.. Refill Penzance is run by Plastic Free Penzance which aims to minimise the town’s contribution to the plastic crisis. Find out more about how you can set up your own here. 

Add your refill station to the app

Refill stations include fountains where you can fill up your bottles, cafes and restaurants where you can get a hot drink in a reusable cup, and retailers and supermarkets with packaging free isles. 

Inspire your employees to get involved 

With more than 100 million pieces of plastic avoided, the Refill campaign has shown that it has the power to create a wave of change and stop plastic pollution at its source.

Everyday actions make a difference, so why not encourage your employees to make small changes together? 

You can encourage your staff to become a volunteer with the Refill campaign. Their role would be to sign up Refill stations such as cafes, shops and other businesses or community buildings willing to participate and provide free tap water, use refillable coffee cups and lunchboxes, or provide zero waste shopping and put them on the map so people can find them.

Does your business need support with becoming more sustainable?

Business West is running an Aiming for Net Zero workshop on 6th July designed for SMEs of all sizes who would like to learn more about how they can reduce their impact on the environment 

We are also running a series of lunch and learns focusing on different topics with the aim of helping business on their Net Zero journey. We will have expert speakers sharing their experiences and top tips. Our next Lunch and Learn event will take place on July 19th where the topic will be focused on Green Supply Chains. Stay abreast of upcoming events here. 

Do you want to join the conversation?

Sign up here
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