A selection of over 30 handpicked local suppliers will be joining us to showcase their service and offer help and guidance for your special day, plus you'll discover the unique finishing touches and...
"Hang on, let me just share my slides" Your audience waits.... and your credibility sinks. Every day, we tolerate virtual meetings and pitches that should have smooth takeoffs and landings but are...
The Good Employment Charter is here to raise the standards of employment in the West of England. Join our team to learn more about the Charter and how you can become an employer of choice. The West...
The Gloucestershire Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) has been running for nearly three years. As we come to the end of Stage Two of our work, we’d like to invite you to our Skills, Local Growth...
Join us for an excellent opportunity to catch up and network with fellow members; look out for some familiar faces, and hear an update on how we are continuing to support businesses at our upcoming...
HSW are delighted to invite the MoD Devonport and MoD Strategic Command to outline the strategies that are being considered to decarbonize the defence sector. Hydrogen will play a key role in this...
Are you ready to connect with the best of Bath & North East Somerset's business community? Mark your calendars for the Bath & North East Somerset Business Show, happening on Wednesday 5th...
We recommend this course for those working in a global trade environment that want to expand their understanding of detailed customs procedures. We also recommend this course as a refresher for those...