How can businesses help Build Back Better, Greener and Fairer? A countdown to COP 26

Jenny Foster
Project Lead | Global Goals Centre Ltd
6th May 2021

As we tentatively emerge, blinking, from our darkened home offices, the idea of a fairer, greener future might seem distant compared to the reality of getting business working again. However, the SDGs, or Global Goals, give us a blueprint for how we can make this happen, and enable us to do better business as we countdown to hosting COP26 in Glasgow in November.

Our customers, staff and investors are increasingly asking how our businesses are measuring up against these Goals, as the reality of doing nothing about the climate emergency and inequalities is no longer an option.

Bristol is one of the world’s leading cities working on the Global Goals, by pledging to build our post-COVID Recovery on the Goals, and by aligning our One City Plan with the Goals’ targets, as well as being the first UK city to carry out a Voluntary Local Review on the city’s progress on the Goals, to highlight local need and inform local action. Bristol’s SDG Alliance has over 150 member organisations from across the city region, all working to promote the Goals in their businesses and communities.

Bristol is also planning The Global Goals Centre – the world’s first immersive Education and Visitor Centre to bring to life the Sustainable Development Goals, to engage schools and the public to be inspired by and take action for a greener, fairer future. Harnessing the power of new tech and storytelling, the Centre will bring in new audiences and impact learning, behaviour and attitudes to drive systemic change.

A front-facing and free to enter gallery space for community generated art and indoor garden area will act as an inspiration for the Goals and lead to a ticketed ‘journey’ experience, taking school groups and audiences through ‘magic’ portals - through a giant fridge to enter a food scenario, through the wardrobe to experience fast fashion, through the shower to experience life under water and more. The journey will cover all 17 Goals but in a cross-cutting thematic way that relates to real living; climate and equality impacts will run throughout the experience. In each scenario, you will hear a human story and find an element of beauty, astonishment, compassion and some fun!

The experience will include plenty of practical, easy and affordable actions the audience can take – as individuals, as a school, as a community - and who they can challenge to do better! Our business offering will include volunteering opportunities, staff engagement days and a host of inspiring ways to embed the Global Goals across your organisation.

There is currently little space within the school curriculum to address the climate crisis and inequalities. real life issues that impact hugely on children and young peoples’ wellbeing and future. Consultation with schools has told us there is a huge demand for beyond curriculum input and enabling young people to envision imaginative and innovative solutions, which the Centre can help to catalyse and inspire.

 Building Back Better with the SDGs

The Global Goals Centre initiative has huge potential as a city centre regeneration project. The big vision is to create a community venue that crosses over the boundaries between commerce, entertainment and education. Imagine the GGC alongside sustainable and Fair Trade food outlets and ethical traders. An opportunity to shop sustainably in one place. The ‘Right to Repair’ could be addressed with Repair Shops (possibly in partnership with City of Bristol/SGS) run as training centres for NVQ’s, as well as commercial operations. We envisage workshop space for skills training such as mending clothing or cooking from scratch, and for community groups to use for food-based workshops and other events.

 The potential for job creation, training and diverse kinds of work experience is significant. It will also provide a model that can be replicated by other cities across the world.

The online vision

Online we are looking to create a unique information hub and personalised experience to inspire action. The online hub will have global reach and can host digital experiences and connect changemakers through events, workshops, meetups and discussion groups - all aiming to help create a better world and a sense of hope and community.

Why This Project Is Important NOW

We have a unique opportunity to reimagine our city centre. We have the talent and vision in Bristol to create something truly ground-breaking. A model for other cities -  an experience that will excite people about the future and engage them with innovation, education, and sustainability.

We have seen how COVID-19 has hit the poorest and most vulnerable hardest and makes the need to address inequality and poverty even more urgent. If we’re going to reach the Global Goals by 2030 and build our recovery on the principles of equality and sustainability, we all need to engage and take action to bring real, lasting change.

 How can you be involved?

 ●     RAISE AWARENESS AND GET INFORMED: Sign up for the Global Goals Centre newsletter, and follow us on social media.

●     OFFER PRO BONO SUPPORT – we need social media, website and other input to engage as many people as possible with the Global Goals to help make a greener, fairer future possible. 

 ●     BECOME A FOUNDING SUPPORTER – this is a Partnership project which needs investment and support of all kinds. Get in touch to see how we can partner with you or join Engie and Burges Salmon investing in our work as one of our Founding Supporter businesses. 

●     JOIN THE SDG ALLIANCE – whatever your size of business and wherever you are on the journey, we are stronger together! Join this dynamic network of organisations working to achieve the Global Goals in the region. 

●     LET US KNOW HOW WE CAN HELP YOU :  complete our 2 min business survey

Jenny Foster, Project Lead, Global Goals Centre


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