Meet the team
Matt Tudge (He/Him)
Head of Skills Planning and LSIP Project Manager
As LSIP Project Manager, I design and oversee the overall strategy, progress and outputs for the LSIPs. Within my role, I ensure we are working with the most appropriate partners, speaking to as many relevant businesses as possible and adding value to everyone’s understanding of current and future skills, as well as providing opportunities for businesses to feed directly into education and training provision.
Chloe Stockwell (She/Her)
Project and Events Manager
I am responsible for the end-to-end operations of the West of England & North Somerset, Gloucestershire and Swindon & Wiltshire LSIPs, including managing the LSIP team and our core deliverables. I oversee our comms strategy to circulate relevant news about the LSIP project as well as opportunities for businesses in the three regions to engage with the project and be given a platform to voice their future workforce and business growth requirements. I am also responsible for designing, producing and delivering our full events programme ranging from employer roundtables to industry topical conferences that align with the skills needs of our the companies in the region, with support from our Project Coordinator, Marketing Executive and Business Engagement Executives.
Hannah Ponsford (She/Her)
Research Manager
As the LSIP Research Manager, I work with the team internally as well as external stakeholders to produce updates on research carried out through the LSIP process so far and the ongoing production of ‘roadmap’ documentation. This includes outlining the priorities for all local areas under the LSIP and looking towards shaping the post-16 technical education landscape, support and initiatives to help employers in West of England & North Somerset, Gloucestershire and Swindon & Wiltshire.
Gustavo Guntren (He/Him)
Policy Analyst and Research Officer
As part of my role as Policy Analyst at Business West, I provide information, research, analysis and policy development support to Business West and its Policy, LSIP and Initiative teams. I provide in-depth research and analysis on key business & economy issues – including the role of planning, housing, transport and our regional skills and labour market work, I contribute to the production of Business West’s Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) and I carry out strategic horizon scanning and intelligence gathering service, identifying new policies and strategies at a regional and national level on key policy campaigns and priorities.
Lauren I. Holmes (She/Her)
Currently on Maternity Leave
Business Engagement Lead - West of England & North Somerset Focus
As a Business Engagement Lead I act as the key link between Businesses and Skills providers as part of the LSIP project. I am responsible for gathering intelligence from businesses on their future needs from the skills sector and I focus predominantly on the West of England & North Somerset region. I assist with the interpretation and analysis of the data captured and will play a key role in LSIP events and employer roundtable discussions on the future skills landscape in the West of England.
Bella Manara Santos (She/Her)
Business Engagement Executive - Swindon & Wiltshire Focus
As a Business Engagement Executive I act as the key link between Businesses and Skills providers as part of the LSIP project. I am responsible for gathering intelligence from businesses on their future needs from the skills sector in the Swindon & Wiltshire region. I assist with the interpretation and analysis of the data captured and will play a key role in LSIP events and employer roundtable discussions on the future skills landscape in Swindon and Wiltshire.
Heidi Hardacre (She/Her)
Business Engagement Executive - Gloucestershire Focus
As a Business Engagement Executive I act as the key link between Businesses and Skills providers as part of the LSIP project. I am responsible for gathering intelligence from businesses on their future needs from the skills sector in the Gloucestershire region. I assist with the interpretation and analysis of the data captured and will play a key role in LSIP events and employer roundtable discussions on the future skills landscape in Gloucestershire.
Barry Tugwood
Skills Advisor
Working closely with all our LSIP team at Business West my role has a priority focus on skills and workforce development planning, with the flexibility to respond to demand and regional priorities relevant to workforce needs. Through individual business engagement, focus groups and events the role will be helping to assist businesses to navigate a sometimes-complicated skills landscape and helping them develop their skills and training strategies. Additionally making sure there is key collaboration in working with stakeholder delivery partners to engage with education and regional / national skills initiatives and having the opportunity to facilitate dialog to look for solutions and their implementation.
Fiona Malpas
Skills Advisor
Fiona is a Business Skills Advisor working on the Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire and West of England & North Somerset Local Skills Improvement Plans. These programmes provide fully funded workforce planning for SMEs to help them attract, recruit, and retain their workforce. Fiona has worked in skills and employability for many years, mainly within the private and third sectors. She is passionate about helping businesses navigate the skills landscape to grow their business and upskill their workforce.
Chloe Barratt (She/Her)
Project Coordinator
I work as Project Coordinator which means I provide admin support and assistance to the LSIP team to ensure smooth co-ordination and delivery of the project. This includes co-ordinating enquiries and supporting the recording and consolidation of data on project outputs into report format, as well as planning and delivering small roundtable events with Project and Events Manager.
Aneta Mikešová
Marketing Executive
I am responsible for circulating relevant news about the LSIP project as well as opportunities for businesses in the West of England & North Somerset, Gloucestershire and Swindon & Wiltshire areas to engage with the project and be given a platform to voice their future workforce and business growth requirements.