Meet the Skills Team: Hannah Ponsford

9th September 2021

Hannah Ponsford is a Programme Coordinator working on the Workforce for the Future and Kickstart projects. She supports the Business Advisors with administration and finance. This ensures they can work effectively with businesses and training providers across the South West to upskill their teams while providing opportunities for young people. We caught up with Hannah to find out more about her day job and how she supports the team to help both companies and young people to succeed.

Tell us a bit about yourself, your role as a Programme Coordinator and your career background? 

I started in the NHS and worked there for ten years between going to university to study Film Studies and Journalism and travelling. When I came back, I went to Weston College where I worked in apprenticeship coordination for four years before coming to Business West. 

My role is to support the Business Advisors. This involves working with the DWP to ensure the job adverts for our Kickstart scheme are live and being promoted. I make sure employers and Kickstarters receive their salaries and grant payments on time. My job is to coordinate from the background and make sure the paperwork is being done, such as processing claims, while making sure everything is done in a timely fashion. Alongside our delivery we offer employability support, so I coordinate this side of it as well by working with our partners to ensure successful programme delivery for our employers and Kickstarters.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I think its working with such a variety of businesses, even if the job roles we are filling can be quite similar, no one day is the same from that perspective. The businesses needs are all so different and the questions they ask vary so much. 

It’s really rewarding working in this area because it’s all about encouraging young people who are struggling to get into work. One of our Kickstarters has left his Kickstart placement to go and do an internship in London. The Kickstart placement employer want to take him back after he finishes the internship because he was so brilliant during the short time he was with them. It’s really satisfying working with people like this helping them to fulfil their aspirations.

And what are the most challenging aspects of your job?

I think managing the expectations of employers is the most challenging. There are so many jobs now available and not enough people to fill them. When the Kickstart scheme first started there weren’t as many placements, but a lot of people were looking for them, so they were filling easily. Now, because employers have recognised that it’s a good scheme, the market is a lot more competitive. 

A recent employer I was working with wanted fourteen Kickstarters, sometimes that might not be possible, but we try to help them as much as we can. However, we have had one employer who filled three roles in 24 hours. I think it’s all about engaging young people in the right way this is where the Business Advisors come in and work hard to engage schools and colleges. 

What help and skills support are your team able to offer businesses as part of your role?

Our Business Advisors ask businesses what they want to achieve and then work back from that point. The Advisors have so much knowledge across sectors that they are keen to share. They also have a lot of experience in other areas including owning their own businesses and apprenticeship experience so they understand the challenges that the companies are facing and are able to provide really solid support and help the businesses in whatever way they can. We also work closely with partners across the South West to match the employers with the best services to help support business growth such as the Western Training Provider Network.

What would be your top tip to anyone wanting to take on an apprentice?

Be open minded. Somebody might come to you with a CV that doesn’t stand out on paper but if you met them, they might be the right fit for you. Also really try and get on board with the training that’s offered through the apprenticeship. The apprentice will gain a lot, but the business will benefit too. The apprentice’s assessor might introduce a new working technique to the business through the apprentice and this can have real long term benefit to your company. 

Want to speak to one of our Business Skills Advisers? Call 01275 373373 and visit this page to find out more.

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