Social Media Management - Putting your Communications on one Platform

Jenni O'Connor
Marketing Manager | Old Square Chambers
30th September 2022

Did you know you can not only post, but MANAGE, all your social media messaging from one hub?


Most people are aware you can post to social media in a scheduled, coordinated way – but did you know you can also manage online communications with your customers, staff and stakeholders, over a multitude of platforms, from a single dashboard?


So, for example, if you are a busy GP practice and you want to avoid missed appointments, they cost the NHS a fortune each year, but you know most of your patients may not see an email, you can send reminders by SMS, at the same time as running internal or indeed patient user groups on WhatsApp, or running a chatbot for FAQs and other questions on your website. Your operators and agents will be able to drill down into every conversation, by user, user group, platform and communication history, so even if a patient has interacted over multiple platforms, the trail will be in place at a glance.


Integrating social media conversations with your CRM


The same goes for colleges and universities. Students are more likely to engage over WhatsApp, while parents and other stakeholders are sent email reminders, and both groups may receive SMS. All integrated into the CRM, so all the records are in place for easy reference and audit. All the way through to small businesses and SMEs, we all use multiple platforms in different ways, and combining them in this way means nothing gets lost.

Much customer service is conducted on Twitter now, with EasyJet being a well-known example. In the same way, customer communication records will be integrated with the CRM, so everything is in place for resolution, trouble-shooting and so forth – and a red flag can be raised against a recurring problem, or escalated situation. So within the social media messaging integration, it is perfectly possible to connect with data and analytics, and also call recording, to be truly joined up, with all outward and inward communications held seamlessly in one place.


Connecting your social media messaging capabilities to your contact centre


And there’s more good news. All the interactions recorded and diverted to agents within your contact centre can be completely integrated with advanced contact centre functions, so for example supervisors can track progress, manage resourcing over peak and quiet times, intervene with information without interrupting the flow, and more. 

Conversant Technology is an expert provider in integrating the Microsoft Teams communications platform with social media messaging management, contact centre and CRM, giving customers complete visibility over all their communications and customer history, call and support history, and a wide range of contact centre solutions, according to the individual needs of our clients.


Social Media Messaging on Microsoft Teams – enabling seamless communication


Microsoft Teams is the hub for teamwork that brings together calling, chat and meetings. However, it comes into its own when combined with other integrations on a single interface, such as with social media messaging management, contact centre and CRM.

In fact, everything is integrated with your CRM, so you have all the information you need about both your customers and your operation at your fingertips, helping you to assess your future needs, adjust your plans, and see which areas of your operation are providing best value, or enhancing your customer experience the most.


Increase efficiency and productivity through a Social Media Engagement Hub – how it works


This is how it actually works. When you connect all your communications channels through something like the Conversant Social Media Engagement Hub, you can present all social media interactions within Microsoft Teams. WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, iMessage and many more are all displayed and handled through one straightforward MS Teams interface. A Social Media Engagement hub enables users to centralise social media conversations within Microsoft Teams, completely eradicating the need for multiple interfaces.  No more multiple logins and taking the guesswork out of remembering which account a conversation was facilitated through. 

A good unified communications provider, like Conversant, will also make sure all your social conversations are fully joined up – as in this handy summary:

  • Instantly provide data to agents to improve productivity
  • Help you provide swift responses to customers
  • Capture information automatically and quickly 
  • Route calls to agents based on parameters you control
  • Direct customers to self-service information, saving them - and you - time and effort


As all solutions are based on subscriptions, updates and upgrades are automatic. Conversant’s 24/7 support means that the pain of resolving any contact centre IT issues is removed, and if you need to add or remove users, this is sorted at a click.

Your social media engagement solution is therefore fully future-proofed against any end of life PBX system issues, restricted line numbers, or technology moving on – and you get better returns from your Microsoft investment by maximising the use you will be getting from the licences you already have in place.

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