Reaching your Personas at each Stage of the Buyer's Journey

Dan Simpson
SEO & Paid Media Executive | Fuelius
15th March 2023

The buyer’s journey describes the process that customers go through when researching and deciding on a service or product. It can be broken down into three stages - awareness, consideration, and decision. Each stage requires different tactics to reach buyers with unique needs and objectives. To ensure success, it is important to understand your personas and how to reach them within each stage of the buyer’s journey. Here are some strategies you can use to engage with your target personas throughout their journey but firstly, what is a persona and how can you create one?


A buyer persona is a representation of the target customer for a business or company, describing their needs, pain points, and motivations in detail so that you can better understand your customers and tailor your products or services accordingly. 

Creating a buyer persona begins with detailed research into the target customer, involving surveys and interviews to really get to know the demographic and develop an accurate picture of what they are looking for in a product or service that you could provide. 

Buyer personas are a fundamental part of your inbound marketing strategy, ensuring the content you create will attract, engage and delight your target audience. Inbound marketing itself is something that HubSpot agencies can support you with, as the campaigns are often complex and comprehensive, with advanced automation and nurturing techniques to help people move further down the funnel.

Awareness Stage

The awareness stage of a buyer persona is the point where customers recognise that they need to solve a problem or obtain something that fulfils a certain purpose. At this stage, buyers often start researching different companies, services and products related to their needs in order to find the best fit for their situation. 

During this part of the buyer journey, businesses should focus on showcasing the unique value proposition that their product can offer. Providing informative content such as blog posts, articles and video tutorials can help potential customers come to a decision about which company to choose when addressing their issue.

Consideration Stage

In the consideration stage, customers have identified potential solutions but need more information before making a decision. Here, you’ll want to focus on providing detailed information about your product or service so that customers feel comfortable making a decision.

Content such as case studies and reviews from other customers can be helpful in this stage as well as ads that highlight the advantages of your offering over competitors'. Social media campaigns highlighting customer successes or user-generated content can be very effective here and are a great way to win a customer over. 

Decision Stage

The decision stage is when customers make an informed choice about which product or service best meets their needs. For potential buyers at this stage, your focus should be on building trust with the potential buyer by emphasising customer service values and security measures taken by your company (e.g. privacy policies). 

You should also emphasise additional valuable services such as free shipping or extended warranties/guarantees if applicable. Ads targeting keywords related to "buying" should also be used in this phase along with special offers (e.g. discounts) if possible. Another effective tool to use at this stage in the buyer’s journey is remarketing campaigns that use cookies collected from earlier stages of the funnel. 

Reaching people at each step of the buyer’s journey requires an understanding of what people are looking for at each step and delivering content tailored specifically for them. Delivering content that speaks directly to their problem/need/desire for a solution at that moment in time is key. 

By utilising these strategies throughout each step of the buyer’s journey, you will build trust with potential buyers while helping them make an informed decision about which product or service best meets their needs! This will help drive conversions and build relationships with potential buyers for future purchases, and also help to turn them into advocators for your products or services. 

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